Originally the marble fountains served only as a point of water supply for the inhabitants of a town and were usually located in the squares or central places, to facilitate access to them.

The materials used to make these sources ranged from a simple wooden pylon or trough, to pieces of natural stone and marbles. The main reason for making these sources in marble or natural stone was precisely because of the hardness and durability of this material and its resistance to stone erosion and weathering.

With the Roman Empire and Islamic culture, it was when these pieces began to acquire a character much more than only functional and began to form part of a decorative space, where they acquired a huge role. In this way pieces of enormous beauty were carved, details with reliefs, carvings, etc .; And became synonymous with social status.

Currently there are different materials of manufacture of wall sources as of center, ranging from the original materials of marble and stone, to the fiber, artificial stone etc. This has made access to this type of architectural element much more accessible to the general public; In addition, even the marble sources are a non-prohibitive investment, since with the technological advances there are industrial machinery that greatly facilitate the elaboration of sources in marble and natural stone, especially the simpler models.

Finally to comment, it is now the question of the wide variety of materials available because continue to opt for sources manufactured in marble or natural stone. My answer is very simple and based on two reasons:

1. Natural material like marble with artificial materials has no comparison. Perhaps for an inexperienced eye can sometimes be difficult to distinguish a source in natural stone from an imitation, but it is clear that the character that gives the natural stone is inimitable.

2. As I mentioned before, technological advances have reduced the cost of manufacturing marble sources, so that when comparing prices, we may be surprised to find that in many cases there is not so much difference between an original material Like marble and others of imitation; And of course who will choose the imitation to the original if the price difference is not more than considerable.

I do not want to finish this article without emphasizing once again that it is necessary to see the marble sources as much more than just a decorative element, since they are able to endow a space of a character, beauty and distinction that any other decorative element, and For sample here we leave some illustrative images.


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