Interior terracotta floor treatment reddish tint with satin finish

In this work we find an interior surface of terracotta floor reddish tonality that even though it was not in bad condition had long been untreated.

The house was acquired by a new owner and wanted to make several reforms and among them was rehabilitating the floor.

In a couple of bathrooms there had once been a problem of filtration of moisture that was already solved, but that caused that in some of the baths appeared whitish spots of saltpeter.

We had to proceed to pick up these areas of the baths to eradicate saltpeter and with the rest of the floor of the house we performed a standard cleaning to leave the floor clean and ready to receive the treatment, which this time the customer chose the satin finish and Which was not very friendly to the shine on the floors.

Here we leave you a photo gallery of the process carried out and its final result:


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