Manufacture and supply of borders and mosaics in marble and natural stone

Marble Borders

Manufacture and supply nationwide marble mosaics and borders. Wide variety of colors and mosaic designs.

Since Roman times the mosaics have been part of decorative spaces of great beauty and luxury.
Today is still using the same technique through the combination with small pieces of marble and stone to get decorative compositions of great beauty.
Craft Materials We are specialized in manufacturing of borders and mosaics, using the traditional method but using the latest technology.
We offer a variety of compositions of borders and mosaics of very different sizes and shapes.
Price directly from factory, very competitive.
Quality and service at a good price.

Data specified for quotations:
* Model basis (request your catalog)

* Square meters, lineal meters or units; as required

* Place of delivery of the material (we distribute nationally)

More information :  Materiales Artesanales


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