Made to measure for work in Córdoba, three columns of Doric style marble of straight shaft in travertine olivilloclear of 240 cm of total height and diameter of the shaft in 25 cm, in matte finish.
In this work we have the added difficulty of a floor inside checkerboard composed of aged cream marble and semi-manual terracotta floor . We speak of added difficulty; as the combination of marble and mud is not very common and it is often problematic, since the cleaning products used for mud have an acid component brightness eats polished marble. Fortunately this marble floor was old and honed (dull), so this facilitated the work; although we had a special care when using cleaning products in right proportions to avoid damaging the marble at all. The floor had stains embedded especially in the mud of semi-manual. Therefore the procedure was to make a first cleaning phase , as we said with proportions of very poor cleaning products to protect the marble. This process had to be repeated twice in a row to achieve the total elimination of stains. Subsequently after waiting for the soil completely dried about 4 days we proceeded to the implementation of protective treatment that w...
Museo situado en Plazuela del Santísimo Cristo de la Sangre 2 (Frente a la iglesia de San Felipe Neri). Más información en : Un museo de artes decorativas que quiere ser una entidad viva que sirva de aliciente para rehabilitar el antiguo barrio artesano de San Felipe Neri, y un núcleo de referencia y estudio para los artesanos modernos. La Colección se encuentra situada en una casona del Siglo XVIII, cuidadosamente restaurada, donde podemos recorrer la historia de la humanidad a través del cristal. Se trata de una colección privada, formada por unas 3.000 piezas de cristal de diversas épocas, acompañada por una importante representación de obra pictórica, mobiliario y objetos de decoración que corresponden fielmente a cada periodo histórico al que representan, creando un ambiente que nos sumerge en el verdadero contexto doméstico en que vivieron sus primeros propietarios. Materiales Artesanales participo de forma d...
Hoy te traemos nuestra losa de barro artesanal tonalidad clara en formato hoja de higuera y medidas 15,5×16,5×2 cm. Si quieres ver toda la colección de losas de barro artesanales que fabricamos te dejo accede al siguiente enlace. ? #losasdebarro #suelosdebarro #suelosdeterracota #pavimentosdebarro #materialesartesanales
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