Polishing is achieved by abrasion, passing marble floor by different increasingly fine particle sizes, which give the stone that aspect of "brilliant". Today is mainly used diamond abrasive, which shortens time and get spectacular results, while minimizing the forces working for people and machines with the consequent benefit.

With a smooth, polished shiny surface with almost zero porosity, highlighting the maximum level the structure, color and texture of the stone is achieved.

This finish to be "closed pores", provides improved resistance to stone attack external agents, which can increase resistance to various treatments protection. Significantly, the pores of the stone is never be closed, although with polished it comes to minimize to the maximum. It applies mainly in marble and granite, as they are very compact and with a high degree of crystallinity rocks.

With respect to their use for soils should be highlighted:

It's the kind of classic finish and the most abundant. It is characterized by a very smooth and shiny mirror-like surface. This type of finish can be selected to come directly from the factory or ask polished slab cut to later work by polishing in a polishing company.

Our advice is that for large numbers, yours is asking slabs cut for the following reasons:

* It is far more economical than ask polished from the factory

* The additional cost of buffing compensates

* And most importantly, we must consider that when placing slabs works, if these are polished, we must take special care not to leave small steps between slabs matter how minimal. However, this aspect is not drawback with slabs polishing work; since the polishing will match any small step that may be left between the slabs.

This finish is ideal for interior spaces, but keep in mind that just the surface is wet, it becomes very slippery. Needless to say, especially outdoor pool areas, our recommendation is to forget about this type of finish.


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