When we talk about recovering a terracotta floor in disrepair, we are referring to cases such as:

- Terracotta floors treatments with old damaged

- Terracotta floors have never been treated and have embedded stains

- Briny terracotta floors by humidity problems

We will treat each case:

Terracotta floors with older treatments impaired:

In this case, the first step is the removal of the remains of ancient treatment that still conserve the soil. For it is necessary first to stripping the floor to get eradicate any remaining previous treatment. Once completely stripping the floor, you can proceed with the normal procedure of first and subsequent cleaning terracotta floor treatment.

Terracotta floors that have never been treated and have embedded stains:

In these cases the first thing that must be said that not always manage to eradicate all stains, as there are some so deep in areas where it is impossible to penetrate products for its eradication.

The procedure is the same as in the previous case (clay soils with older treatments); since it is necessary to use the descaling product to penetrate the slab and to progressively eliminating embedded soils. Once eradicated as many spots as possible, proceed to a final rinse to remove traces of saltpetre and once dry proceed to the application of protective treatment chosen.

Terracotta floors with problems of saltpeter by humidities:

When moisture seeps occurs through walls or the ground, they tend to always result in the appearance of large patches of saltpeter in terracotta floors. The first thing to say that first of all you have to solve the problem of moisture infiltration or the problem will reappear over time.

Once solved the problem of leakage of moisture, we can find two situations:

a) Soil without treatment: In these cases the procedure is simpler, since with deep cleaning using the salt residue-resistant products, will be sufficient to remove the remains of saltpeter. Once removed, clean the floor, you must wait for complete drying for further processing.

b) land with ancient treatment: In these cases the plot thickens a bit, as previously is necessary to strip the treatment has the floor to get reach and eradicate the remnants of saltpeter.

Here you have video example:


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