www.creamoshogar.es How can I hire one or more services? You can contact us by phone or by filling out the form that is in the contact section. Once we have defined the projects and services you want to hire, we promise to send you a personalized quote within a maximum of 48 hours, and if you accept our proposal we will be ready to begin. What information do you need to send to get started? We need to send us as much information as possible, such as drawings, sketches, drawings or reference images; everything that helps us to understand the project to be carried out. Contact us and we will help you. H ow long has it taken since the work was commissioned until delivery? Time is relative because it will depend on the complexity of the project, number of infographies desired, whether or not to model furniture or architectural elements to measure, whether to make virtual reality videos, etc. Feedback is very important, in order to establish deadlines that suit your...